Deer Valley Unified School District is an award-winning and excelling school district and was named an Advanced Placement Achievement district (1 of only 4 in AZ). Barry Goldwater High School and Desert Winds Elementary were identified as 2 of 25 Arizona schools to be named A+ Schools.
Many of DVUSD schools engage students in selected areas of interest. Some of these focus schools include an Academy of Arts, Aerospace Academy, STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) Academy, Mandarin Chinese and Confucius Classroom Schools, Sonoran Desert Studies Academy, International Baccalaureate for middle grades and high school and online classes.
A safe and enriching environment is a top priority on each Deer Valley school campus, during and after the regular school day. Before and after school programs provide diverse offerings, including CATCH Physical Fitness and Nutrition program, Scholastic After-School Reading program, a wide variety of clubs, activities and athletics. Parent involvement is also a priority and directly related to each child’s success in school.
Deer Valley Unified is focusing efforts and resources on Student Learning to ensure that each student will be equipped to pursue education credentials beyond high school in order to compete in a global market. In addition to possessing knowledge, skills and attitudes needed to succeed in university, community college or technical school, each student will need to develop career skills such as teamwork, problem-solving, critical thinking and goal setting.
Learn more about all the Deer Valley Unified schools in the district. If you are moving or unsure which school your child will be attending based on where you live, feel free to ask me!